Industrial Lighting

Industrial Lighting for Chemical PlantsSteampunk Lamp, Brass Meter and Copper Base #202 - SOLD
$ 629.41
$ 83.01

Industrial Lighting for Food Processing FactoriesSteampunk Lamp, Steam Gauge and Gear Base, #951 sold
$ 1,222.57
$ 106.43

Industrial Lighting for Automotive Manufacturing PlantsSteampunk Lamp, Steam Gauge and Gear Base, #942 sold
$ 1,091.82
$ 109.72

Industrial Exit Sign Lighting for Quick EvacuationSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Antique John Deere Farm Tractor B - #207 - sold
$ 1,334.06
$ 107.39

Industrial Emergency Lighting for Safety in FactoriesSteampunk Machine Age Aviation Lamp instrument Control Panel Air Plane #CC21 - SOLD
$ 390.78
$ 89.07

Industrial Task Lighting for Precision WorkstationsSteampunk Lamp, Steam Gauge and Gear Base #219 - SOLD
$ 1,746.76
$ 112.66

Industrial Area Lighting for Large Open SpacesSteampunk Lamp, Steam Gauge and Green Shade #216 - SOLD
$ 528.45
$ 104.74

Industrial Flood Lighting for Outdoor Loading DocksSteampunk Industrial vintage Parking Meter Floor Lamp - #218
$ 320.83
$ 110.35

Industrial Ceiling - Mounted Lighting for Assembly PlantsSteampunk Lamp, Steam Gauge and Green Shade #224 - Sold
$ 876.61
$ 95.66

Industrial Wall - Mounted Lighting for Workshop WallsSteampunk Lamp, Steam Gauge and Gear Base #223 - SOLD
$ 107.78
$ 82.66

Industrial Pendant Lighting for Machine ShopsSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge, Train #225 - SOLD
$ 1,212.53
$ 105.88

Low - Bay Industrial Lighting Fixtures for Small FactoriesSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge, Design #227
$ 1,305.31
$ 108.91

High - Bay LED Industrial Lighting for WarehousesSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge, Train #232 - SOLD
$ 1,134.70
$ 119.55

Industrial Lighting with High CRI (Color Rendering Index) for True Color PerceptionSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge #229 - SOLD
$ 427.79
$ 82.95

Color - Tunable Industrial Lighting for Special ApplicationsSteampunk Lamp, Steam Gauge and Green Shade #228 - SOLD
$ 501.67
$ 98.40

Dimmable Industrial Lighting for Ambiance ControlSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge #231 - sold
$ 2,096.33
$ 109.69

Adjustable Industrial Lighting for Flexible IlluminationSteampunk Industrial Lamp / Gear / Brass Meter / #1627
$ 493.53
$ 110.01

Corrosion - Resistant Industrial Lighting for Coastal FactoriesSteampunk Industrial Lamp / Antique Sun Volt Meter / Automotive / #1739 sold
$ 664.18
$ 93.46

Explosion - Proof Industrial Lighting for Hazardous LocationsSteampunk Industrial Lamp / Antique Sun Volt Meter / Automotive / #1565
$ 1,059.25
$ 105.76

Shock - Resistant Industrial Lighting for Vibrating Machinery AreasSteampunk Industrial Lamp / Antique Sun Volt Meter / Automotive / Pipe / #1739 sold
$ 121.49
$ 91.78

Dust - Resistant Industrial Lighting for Dirty WorkspacesSteampunk Industrial Lamp / Antique Sun Volt Meter / Automotive / Machine Age Lamp #2440
$ 1,169.16
$ 104.38

Waterproof Industrial Lighting for Wet AreasSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge, Green Shade #237 - SOLD
$ 1,610.98
$ 90.03

Durable Industrial Lighting for Harsh EnvironmentsSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge #226 - SOLD
$ 688.64
$ 101.93

Energy - Efficient Industrial Lighting for Cost - SavingsSteampunk Machine Age Aviation Lamp instrument Control Panel Air Plane #CC22 - SOLD
$ 495.61
$ 99.88

Industrial Lighting for Electronics ManufacturingSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge #238 - SOLD
$ 1,697.15
$ 92.48

Industrial Lighting for Woodworking FactoriesSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge #239 - SOLD
$ 1,031.93
$ 107.51

Industrial Lighting for Metal Fabrication ShopsSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge #240 - MTO
$ 779.89
$ 81.69

Industrial Lighting for Furniture FactoriesSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Vintage Harley Davidson Motorcycle Gas Tank #9999
$ 525.89
$ 86.99

Industrial Lighting for Textile MillsSteampunk Industrial Lamp, John Deere Dash Farm Tractor #245 - SOLD
$ 2,007.46
$ 104.41

Industrial Lighting for Printing Press FacilitiesSteampunk Industrial Lamp, John Deere Dash Farm Tractor #243 MTO
$ 1,265.98
$ 118.36

Industrial Lighting for Pharmaceutical ManufacturingSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge #244 - SOLD
$ 518.44
$ 109.12

Industrial Lighting for Chemical PlantsSteampunk Lamp, Vintage Airplane Dash Avionics Instrument panel #CC23 - SOLD
$ 411.71
$ 102.42

Industrial Lighting for Food Processing FactoriesSteampunk Lamp, Vintage Airplane Dash Avionics Instrument panel #CC24 - SOLD
$ 387.35
$ 80.99

Industrial Lighting for Automotive Manufacturing PlantsSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Barn Wood Re-Claimed - #261 - SOLD
$ 1,912.58
$ 100.85

Industrial Exit Sign Lighting for Quick EvacuationSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Steam Gauge, Green Shade #251 - SOLD
$ 1,946.50
$ 114.41

Industrial Emergency Lighting for Safety in FactoriesSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Barn Wood Re-Claimed - #257
$ 1,389.37
$ 90.41

Industrial Task Lighting for Precision WorkstationsSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Barn Wood Re-Claimed John Deere Farm- #260 - SOLD
$ 1,316.98
$ 99.21

Industrial Area Lighting for Large Open SpacesSteampunk Industrial Lamp, Antique John Deere Farm Tractor B - SOLD
$ 1,121.79
$ 108.54