- This instrument and control panel was salvaged from an old early day Allis Chalmers Tractor.
- The gears are repurposed from old farm tractors.
- Right side of dash panel is a push button to light up this lamps vintage style light bulb. Same button when pushed a second time will turn lamp off.
- Safe touch control module is located within lamp. Lamp works similar to a touch controlled lamp, only the push of the button controls the module within lamp. Very safe with no power on panel button.
- Included with this lamp is a thread filament vintage style bulb; any standard size medium bulb will work.
- Lamp weigh is 16.6 Lbs. H=18 3/4”, W=9”, D=12 3/4”
- Rubber tip protectors are secured to supporting feet to help protect the surface upon which this lamp sets.
- Heavy duty 8 ft power cord has grounded plug with 3 conductors.
- Wire within lamp consists of 16 AWG aviation grade silver plated copper with Teflon insulation for durability. External wiring is standard 16 gauge also.
- All Lamp surfaces are grounded for safety, all wiring is securely clamped, protected, and meets safety standards.

Dimmable Industrial Lighting for Ambiance ControlSteampunk Lamp Antique Allis-Chalmers Farm - CC15 sold