Made to order and may take up to 3 weeks to ship, we have many colors to choose from
- Antique Willy Jeep Grille from the late 40's early 50"s
- Original yellow finish
- Antique barn wood top
- Top measures 17.5 x 49
- Light coat of poly
- Measurements
- stands 31.5 tall
- Electrical
- Headlamps light up and look super!
- We can light the park lights for an additional $150 (using LEDs)
- 110V Outlet mounted to underside, will work great for a future table lamp
- Each table has a unique serial number and signed, (serial numbers can be tracked on our website)
- Copyrighted design, We have registered this design with the copyright office as a work of art/sculpture
- Assembled with various plumbing pipe fittings, some new and some old