Industrial Lighting for Metal Fabrication ShopsCustom Order lamp exchange 321 for wood base floor lamp Dave A

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Dave this sku is for the balance due from the exchange of lamp 321 for the wood base floor lamp.

  • We will determine a place to meet between your location and Lakeville mn
  • Lets plan to meet mid June.  


This is to confirm, per our phone conversation, the change in my recent order for lamps #321 ($1500) & #198 ($900).  Lamp #321 should be deleted and replaced with the floor lamp with the wood base ($2500); lamp #198 remains a part of the order.  This would leave a balance I owe of $1000--exclusive of any upcharge that might occur if the steam gauge were to be replaced with one that might be more costly. Let me know when you have a new SKU that lists the amount due and I will get the balance submitted.  Thanks Shawn--do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or need clarification.  Dave A.