Industrial Ceiling - Mounted Lighting for Assembly PlantsSteampunk Lamp, Antique Steam, Ship, Nautical, Light #420 - SOLD

Title Lamp Only Lamp W/ 2 Bulbs
  • Each lamp has a unique serial number and signed, (serial numbers can be tracked on our website) 
    • Lamp Serial #420 (copyrighted design, We have registered this design with the copyright office as a work of art/sculpture)
  • Amazing antique artifact from on old ship or ship yard
    • Made/used by, Svendborg Skibsværft
    • From Svendborg Skibsværft (Svendborg Shipyard) was a shipyard, which was located at  in , . Founded in 1907 by ship builder George Ring Andersen who along with his three brothers started making steel ships.
    • Left dial used for "off, indicating, light, control"
    • Right Dial used for, "Lamp , adjustment"
  • Industrial power on/off switch mounted on the back of the meter
  • Assembled with various plumbing pipe fittings, some new and some old
  • Stands ~26" tall, very solid and well built, weighs about 26 lbs (26T x 12W x 12D)
  • Three wire power system, with approved connectors and wiring, with a ground wire added for safety